General Planet Info
Cold, ice world that goes from quaint fishing villages to super techy center
Very solar punk and thriving planet
Ghazen has a big influence here
It’s a core world
Inland is highly dangerous - storms, cold, beasts
Lots of back and forth “play” with freezing and warmth in themes
Thelacury’s landscape.
Researchers of Thelacury
Brirkun Gaulgar
Brirkun is a confident, powerful ice-bound researcher. She’s legacy, coming from a long line of prestigious scientists. She’s seeking out her own glory, but she’s also sure she’ll find it, somehow.
Creatures found on Thelacury
Hammer Seal
A large seal-like creature with a thick black and white fur mane and a long tail with whale-like flukes. It has a bony crest on its head, long sharp claws on its front feet, and cuttlefish-like tentacles on its face that it uses to find shellfish.
Rangifers are the humanoid species native to Thelacury. They are quite varied in appearance due to them evolving among ever moving ice flows, but in general, they have horned heads, boney spikes on their forearms, and hooved feet.
Corpse Carver
An alien shark that’s been infested with a worm-like parasite that spreads hooked tentacles all through the host’s body, eventually killing it. Then the parasite controls the body fully and uses it to find and capture prey.
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