General Planet Info
“Something” heals and defends the land. The people don’t need to do it.
Massive swamps and wetlands - almost no salt water and that’s in huge salt marshes
None of the water is “truly” deep - 200 feet (60m) is max.
Massive snarls of vegetation floats around and change water ways. Reed boast helps. Being adapted to aquatic or march life helps - swimming, long legs, etc
Navigate by the stars or tech
A ton of flora and fauna
Villages spring up on tiny island. They use canoes and rope bridges a lot
Travel is slow and difficult.
waterstrider mounts help, as well as reed boats and adaptions
Datera’s landscape.
Researchers of Datera
Heldel Brovrots
Hedel is an aquatic restoration ecologist who is trying to find a way to reclaim his homeworld which was rendered uninhabitable during a brutal war.
Creatures found on Datera
Radiant Swamp Pig
A medium sized swamp creature with strange eye stalks and two colorful antennae. It has four red flotation sacs and it is covered in coarse dark fur. Its entire back is covered with aquatic weeds and grasses.
Ardeidanes are the humanoid species native to Thelacury. They look like a cross between a stork and a fish with exceptionally long legs and necks.
Wide-Mouthed Shark
An alien shark that has a massive head with split jaws containing large tusks. It has barbels like a catfish, many tiny eyes, and a pronounced lateral line to help it find prey. The creature is considered to be abnormally aggressive by science.
Astra Fauna: Expeditions
Explore a creature-filled universe alongside five alien scientists. Five Short stories. 230+ illustrations. System neutral stats. 5E stats! No AI Art!