Anatomical Scan


Top left

Fatty Tissue
This species can store nutrients in a flexible sac on its back. This helps it survive in the often barren deep seas it calls home.

Lower left

Hunting Adaptions
The web-like appendages on its head act as both lure and net when extended past the creature’s mouth.

Lower Right

Flexible Body
An ambush predator that’s able to move swiftly and gracefully through the water, this species has an incredibly fast attack.


Flicker jaw Snare Shark System Neutral Stats

An agile, deep sea shark-like creature. It has a snake-like body and two “ears” that are tipped with angler fish style glowing lures. Its mouth is filled with rows and rows of teeth. A clear sac on its back stores food.

Basic Info
: Deep sea shark creature
Habitat: Brypso 2’s oceans - deep sea only
Size: Large. About 12 feet long
Speed: Fast if attacking, but normally swims slowly.
Strength: Medium
Charisma: Low.
Intelligence: Low

• The right person could ask a Zsalamar for a chance to swim down to try to witness one. Seeing one, and living, would make that person highly regarded among the Zsalamar.
• One could be hurt and the Zsalamar need a doctor to help it. Trouble is, it’s a mile underwater.
• The Zsalamar have discovered an illegal poaching operation, and could use help shutting it down. 

Additional Information 

• Aggressive. Meals are infrequent in the deep.
• They are very special to the Zsalamar. Killing one is not advised.

Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Flicker jaw Snare Shark

The Flickerjaw Snare Shark is an alien aquatic creature. Found within the seas of a far-off world, it is a predatory creature specially- adapted to thrive in the light less depths of the frigid oceans in which it dwells. It has a long, dark, eel-like body that bears strips of circular, luminescent along its sides. These spots - which can glow in any number of colors - lead to a head from which many tentacles spread, those on each side of the skull connected by webbing and tipped by bright luminescent spots like those on its body. The surround a pair of tiny, eyes and a wide mouth full of many tiny teeth, incredibly sharp in nature and arranged in several rows.

The Flickerjaw Snare Shark is able to act within complete darkness thanks to the unusual sensory organs in the lithe tentacles that sprout from its head and that run the length of its body. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark has exceptional control of the light and radiation emitted by these organs, and is able to change their color and intensity as it desires. When frightened or startled, the creature often responds by creating a "flash" of dazzling brilliance.

Making it an even more fearsome hunter, the Flickerjaw Snare Shark is an incredibly swift swimmer, capable of achieving nearly- unrivaled speeds over short distances, allowing it to employ a bite that inflicts terrible wounds that continue to weep crimson long after the creature has struck. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark has adapted to its environment to the extent that it is immune to blindness and cold.


Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 90 (12d12+12)

Speed 0 ft., swim 70 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 5 (-3)

Skills Perception +5

Damage Immunities: cold

Condition Immunities: blinded

Senses blindsight 100 ft., tremorsense 100 ft., passive

Perception 15


Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Hold Breath. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark can hold its breath for 120 minutes.

Keen Sight. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight. Sprint. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark can Dash using it's bonus action and the speed is doubled. It can sustain this speed for three rounds after which has to make a Constitution check (DC5) for each subsequent round dashing (adding +5 to the check each time). On a fail, the Flickerjaw Snare Shark suffers one level of exhaustion.


Blinding Flash. The Flickerjaw Snare Shark suddenly raises the intensity of its bioluminesence. Each creature within 10 feet of the flash must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the end of the Flickerjaw Snare Shark's next turn.

Wounding Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (5d6+4) piercing damage. At the start of each of the wounded creature's turns, it takes 1 point of damage for each time it has been bitten, and it can then make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on itself on a success. Alternatively, the wounded creature, or a creature within 5 feet of it, can use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effect of such wounds on it on a success.

Huge thanks Carlos A.S. Lising for these 5E stats and write up.

Potential Hooks

  • The right person could ask a Zsalamar for a chance to swim down to try to witness one. Seeing one, and living, would make that person highly regarded among the Zsalamar.

  • One could be hurt and the Zsalamar need a doctor to help it. Trouble is, it’s a mile underwater.

  • The Zsalamar have discovered an illegal poaching operation, and could use help shutting it down. 

  • Brypso 2, the planet where the flickerjaw is from, is largely wastelands and deserts. Crossing over land can be difficult. Maybe a compound synthesized from the pouch on the back of this creature could be used to create long lasting nutrition, both food and water, to make these ventures easier.

Why the QR code to get this info?

So I can update it! I’d like to keep it as current as I can and if re-stats are needed, I can simply edit this page here. Also, if you run a memorable encounter and want me to feature it as a potential hook, email me at and I’ll add it to the list.

Thanks so much for supporting this project and I hope you have fun gaming and dreaming!

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Explore a creature-filled universe alongside 5 alien scientists. 5 Short stories. 230+ illustrations. System neutral stats. 5E stats. No AI Art!